DEEPBLUE / You are here

DEEPBLUE (Brussels)

You are here

Performance - Swiss Premiere

Ancienne Gare
Saturday 26.6. 20:00
Sunday 27.6. 18:00
CHF 20.-/ 15.-
reservationsatbelluard [dot] ch

Photo © Charlotte Walker

Deepblue compares the theatre space to an archive. You are here refers to your actual physical location in the theatre. An archive functions as a place where concepts, knowledge and remains of other worlds and times are being saveguarded. It is our memory in a nutshell. You are here will place you in possible worlds ready to unfold before your eyes. You are invited to consult this archive.

Direction & concept: Heine R. Avdal, Christoph De Boeck, Yukiko Shinozaki; with Heine R. Avdal, Brynjar Bandlien; sound: Christoph De Boeck; lights & technique: Hans Meijer; sound engineer: Fabrice Moinet; photo & video: Heine R. Avdal; scenography: Heine R. Avdal, Christoph De Boeck, Yukiko Shinozaki; production: Leen Driesen, Luea Ritter; production assistant: Tomoko Tsuchihashi; Coproduction: Vooruit, Gent; STUK, Leuven; Netwerk, Aalst; Buda, Kortrijk; in collaboration with: Nettverk for scenekunst (Black Box, Oslo; BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen; Teaterhuset Avant Garden, Trondheim)

30.5. Martin Schick & Laura Kalauz, CMMN SNS PROJCT 15/05/12

Le Belluard Bollwerk International a le plaisir de s'associer au Nouveau Monde pour présenter la pièce CMMN SNS PRJCT de Martin Schick & Laura Kalauz ! Venez nombreux, c'est juste génial!

Théâtre & Danse / En collaboration avec Le Nouveau Monde



THE NOTWIST - 28.06.2012 - ENCEINTE DU BELLUARD 26/03/12

Le Nouveau Monde et le Belluard Festival présentent

Belluard Festival 2012, 29.6 - 7.7 30/09/11

PROGRAMME ONLINE on NEW website on May 29th!

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Envie d'un petite immersion sonore en terres fribourgeoises?
