Direction/ programming: Sally De Kunst sallybelluard [dot] ch
Administration/ sponsoring: Claudia Dennig claudiabelluard [dot] ch
Promotion/ sponsoring : Céline Wenger celinebelluard [dot] ch
Accountancy: Mathias Bieri mathiasbelluard [dot] ch
Press F: François De Raemy francoisbelluard [dot] ch
Press D: Lena Rittmeyer lenabelluard [dot] ch
Accomodation: Sandra Sabino sandrabelluard [dot] ch
Production assistants: Laure Betris laurebelluard [dot] ch & Arnaud Gariépy arnaud
belluard [dot] ch
Technical direction: Annick Perrenoud
Technique: Michi Egger, Eloi Giannini, Vincent Perrenoud, Luigo Rio
Comité: Myriam Prongué (president), Ulrich Bloch, Isabel Valarino, Emilie Chavaillaz-Tendon, Tonia Rihs, Sophie Walker, Vincent Yerly, Yamina Tarmoul, Elias Moussa, Oliver Collaud
Phone: +41 26 321 24 20
Email: infobelluard [dot] ch
PO Box 214
1701 Fribourg
Messenger deliveries that cannot be routed to a PO Box can be addressed to:
Belluard Bollwerk International
Ancienne Gare
Gare 3
1700 Fribourg