The Festival Belluard Bollwerk International and the Migros Culture Percentage are looking for artistic projects that are dealing with RETOX..
The Festival Belluard Bollwerk International 2012 is telling you to wake up and invites everyone to RETOX.
The term RETOX - or retoxification – is used when a person resumes the consumption of addictive substances after undergoing detoxification. In a society where ‘feel good’ is compelling, relaxation has become imbedded in the capitalist system, green tea is promoted rather than water, and the vast choice of wellness activities creates stress, it is time to RETOX. To form, construct, provoke or create new projects, in an improved state. To restore, refresh, revitalize. To renew or relocate the urban, social or economical context and to regenerate the debate about art, culture, politics and ecology.
The Festival Belluard Bollwerk International and the Migros Culture Percentage are looking for projects that question, propose or provoke RETOX, in the form of experimental and stimulating interventions, performances, installa- tions or actions: RETOX for the city and its inhabitants, for art and society.
The call is open to artists and practitioners from other fields, to Fribourg residents and people from other places, to individuals or groups.
Selected proposals will be realised as a part of the Belluard Festival 2012.
The projects can take place in one of the festival venues, in the public space or in another location in Fribourg.
Projects will be selected by a jury of arts practitioners and experts from other fields.
Selected proposals will be further developed during a residency in Fribourg, in collaboration with specialists from different fields.
- Each project is to be presented on maximum three A4-format pages (including drawings, photo’s, plans, etc), along with one A4 page with a budget proposal and personal details (name, postal and email address, telephone number).
- Applications must be written in English, German or French. (German and French applications should include an English summary of 1000 characters).
Projects must be sent by October 17th 2011 to Belluard Bollwerk International, Contest 2012, PO Box 214, 1701 Fribourg, Switzerland (postal stamp is proof) or to info
belluard [dot] ch, with as subject ‘CONTEST 2012’. (12 pm Swiss time at the latest).
- The results will be announced by mid December 2011.
- The jury reserves the right not to comment on its decision.
- The material sent will not be returned.
For each selected project there will be a minimum artistic budget of 2’500 CHF plus a production budget for the realization of the project and presentation during the Belluard Festival 2012.
Participants have to be available for
- Mentoring in Fribourg by a group of specialists in February 2012 (exact dates tbc).
- A production period in Fribourg in June 2012.
- The presentation of the project during the Belluard Festival 2012, between June 21st and July 7th 2012 (exact dates tbc).