2005 Crew

Direction: Gion Capeder and Stéphane Noël

Artboard: Jean-Marc Bongard, Gion Capeder, Nathalie Fragnière, Gabrielle Gawrysiak, Stéphane Noël and René Walker

Programming collaborators: Cis Bierinckx and Ran Huber

Committee: Ulrich Bloch, Gérard Bourgarel, Brigitte Chassot, Sophie Delessert, Nathalie Gigon, Myriam Prongué, Tonia Rihs and Vincent Yerly

Direction assistant: Isabel Valarino

Accomodation logistics: Emilie Chavaillaz

Box office: Marcelle Braegger

Communication: René Walker

Press officers: Anne-Pascale Mittaz (fr) and Gabriela Wild (de)

Restaurant: Laurence Cotting, Pierre Kaeser and Arnaud Nicod

Bar: Thomas Boschung

Webdesign: Gaël Hugo, Iwan Negro and Beni Rohrer

Sponsoring: Vincent Yerly

Technical crew: Annick Perrenoud-Gendre (direction), Yan Benz, Michael Egger, Alexandre Jungo, Joaquim Perrenoud, Luc Perrenoud, Vincent Perrenoud, Luigi Rio, Sandra Romanelli and Carole Ruffieux

Cleaning: Blaise Coursin and Ruth Herzmann

Translations: Ruth Herzmann (de), Emilie Chavaillaz (en)