"On the Other Side" is a bittersweet comedy featuring a mother, her son, a neighbor and a friend. Confronted by their mutual incomprehension, the four solitary individuals attempt to tell their stories. Their tales aren't exceptional or extravagant, but for the protagonists they are capital, they are all that they are...
Nataša Rajković and Bobo Jelčić quest for the place where reality and fiction meet, such that the audience can never be sure whether they encounter the characters or their fantasies. This confusion of what is real, and what isn't, is maintained by the actor's playing. They prefer to cling on to their life experiences rather than give into their characters.
(w. Fr & Ge Subs)
Nataša Rajković and Bobo Jelčić quest for the place where reality and fiction meet, such that the audience can never be sure whether they encounter the characters or their fantasies. This confusion of what is real, and what isn't, is maintained by the actor's playing. They prefer to cling on to their life experiences rather than give into their characters.
(w. Fr & Ge Subs)
Direction: Nata�a Rajković & Bobo Jelčić - With: Ksenija Marinković, Kre�imir Mikić, Jadranka Đokić, Nik�a Butijer - Production: Zagreb Youth Theatre - Coproduction: Centar za dramsku umjetnost (Zagreb), Hebbel-Am-Ufer (Berlin), Theorem (Riga) & Culture 2000.
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