Projet/s au Belluard
08 july 2004

- How are you ?
- Good, considering the circumstances. And you, how are you?
- Yes
Kommer is a play in two parts: the first stages five people who have just lost a close relative. The second starts after the actors leave ...
Les autres artistes
Stefan Kaegi
BaselCHEdit Kaldor
AmsterdamNLNelly Kaplan
FRHermine Karagheuz
ParisFRG�ls�n Karamustafa
FribourgCHMarie Kawazu
ParisFRJohn Kay
UKLois Keidan
LondonUKKid Bachelor
CHMarkus Klinko
New YorkUSFranziska Koch
Z�richCHKohan & Doneda
Gen�ve/ToulouseAmir Reza Koohestani
ShirazIRArmin Kopp
BernCHKraft & Petz
M�nchenDEPeter Krebs
CHAgota Kristof
Neuch�telCHMatto K�mpf
BernCHLa Ch�te
CHLa Murga
CHLa Revue �clair
ParisFRRolf Langebartels
BerlinDEAnna Langhoff
BerlinDEPaul Laurent
FRLe Quatuor
FRUrs Leimgruber
ParisFRMoshe Leiser
FRFederico Le�n
Buenos AiresAREdouard Lev�
ParisFRLes Levine
USAlbert Liebl
ErlachCHMatthias Lilienthal
BerlinDEGuy Limone
FRThe Links
CHHans-Peter Litscher
GrenobleFRLos Rinos
BarcelonaESBernhard Luginb�hl
BernCHAlastair MacLennan
BelfastIERachel Mader
BernCHBenno Maggi
Z�richCHMan Act
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