The Real Fiction

07 july 2006 20h00

Cuqui Jerez


Cuqui Jerez is a choreographer, dancer and director. She earned an international reputation thanks to A Space Odyssey (2002). The project began with meticulous manipulations of every-day objects in front of a camera set on the floor. Then came the projection of the video she had just filmed, which revealed a show completely different from what the audience had just witnessed. Relying on a play on perspectives and depth of field, the ordinary manipulations suddenly transformed the d�cor into a witty fantastical world. With her new creation, The Real Fiction, Cuqui Jerez observes choreographic art with an eye full of love and hate. She presents a new performance, as meticulous as the former, both humorous and Machiavellian.
Idea/direction: Cuqui Jerez - created in collaboration with: Maria Jerez, Amaia Urra et Gilles Gentner - performance: Maria Jerez and Amaia Urra - technician: Gilles Gentner - production: Cuqui Jerez - coproduction: Plateaux Mousonturm Frankfurt, Direcci�n General de Promoci�n Cultural de la Consejer�a de Cultura y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid, Maria Jerez and Amaia Urra - with the support of la Aula de Danza de la Universidad de Alcal� de Henares, Spanish Embassy in Germany and La Casa Encendida Madrid.
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