2004 Thanks

We thank for their assistance and collaboration:

The volunteer workers of the festival , Friends of the BBI, Heidi Backman, J�rg Bosshard, Laurent Bornoz, Centre professionnel cantonal, CO du Belluard, Communaut� d�Emma�s, Communaut� des propri�taires de Fribourg Centre, Thomas von der Crone (Ritek), Dirk Dresselhaus, Espace Moncor, Etat de Fribourg: Service des b�timents, Alix Eynaudi, Fri-Son, Ruth Herzmann, Matthieu Leimgruber, Eva Meyer-Keller, Christian Obermaier, Roland M. Peter, Michel Ritter, Walter Rugo, La Spirale, Olivier Suter, Ville de Fribourg: Service culture et tourisme, Service de l��dilit�, Police locale, Andreas Weigelt

...as all the people whom we would inadvertently have forgotten.