Shichimi Toragashi

06 july 2007 19h00

Juan Dom�nguez


Amalia Fern�ndez


Like children, who will play with anything, Juan Domínguez and Amalia Fernández imagine little stories, pretending.... pretending to be invisible, pretending a chair is a sheep and a table a house. "Let's pretend that there is a tree, and that I'm hiding behind it and that you can't see me..." A children's game-with adult implications-about desire, death and the capacity to believe in the invisible.

(Sp w. Fr Sbs)

Idea, direction and performance: Juan Dominguez & Amalia Fern�ndez - Graphic designer: Andr�s Martinez - Produced by Juan Dominguez - Production assistant: Catherine Sardella - Coproduced by: Espace Pier Paolo Pasolini, Th��tre de L'Usine, LA PORTA Barcelona & Direcci�n General de Promoci�n Cultural de la Consejer�a de Cultura y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid - With the support of: La Casa Encendida, La FuNdicIOn ARETOA, Asociaci�n de Vecinos de Zarzalejo & the Spanish Embassy in Bern.
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