- How are you ?
- Good, considering the circumstances. And you, how are you?
- Yes
Kommer is a play in two parts: the first stages five people who have just lost a close relative. The second starts after the actors leave the stage. Sadness and pain slowly drift out of control.
Founded 9/9/99 by Liesbeth Gritter and Mette van der Sijs, Kassys likes to show ordinary people in situations where they normally would not want to be seen in. Their shows are always funny, manipulative and self-mocking. This Dutch troupe takes shape as one of the most promising of contemporary theatre.

Artistic direction: Liesbeth Gritter / Coordinator: Mette van der Sijs
With: Eshter Snelder, Rienus Krul, Ton Heiligers, Mischa van Dullemen, Saskia Meulendijks and Jan Kostwinder
Technique: Klaas Paradies
Photo: Jean van Lingen
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